Wellbeing Champions - How to Create a Shared Ownership for Wellbeing

The theme for our latest Work Well Live Webinar of our 2022 series was ‘Wellbeing Champions - How to Create a Shared Ownership for Wellbeing‘.

Peers can have a powerful influence on health behaviors and outcomes. The social support provided by individuals has the potential to improve the health and wellness of peers within their social networks
— Borah et al, 2015

On this session, we discussed:

  • Why wellbeing should be a shared value across the organisation and not owned by one person or team.

  • How we create that shared ownership (HINT: It's through a network of wellbeing champions).

  • What an ideal scenario for our wellbeing champion team would look like.

We also addressed why our wellbeing champion team should be inclusive, collaborative and empowered.

You can watch the full recording of our session below. Hang on till the very end so you can find out all about our Wellbeing Champion training programme.

Webinar - How to Create a Shared Ownership for Wellbeing


Brian Crooke is a wellbeing educator, speaker and adviser, empowering Irish organisations to promote and sustain wellbeing within their workplaces.

He is the founder of
The Work Well Institute and the Workplace Wellbeing Ireland community and is Course Director of the Postgraduate Certificate in Workplace Wellness at Tangent, Trinity College Dublin. He is the host of The Work Well Podcast.

In his spare time, Brian is bringing free resistance training to every county and community in Ireland through his parkHIIT social enterprise.


The Work Well Institute - Our online education hub.

Our Workshops - Bespoke and tailored options available.

The Work Well Forum - Our private LinkedIn group.

The Work Well Podcast - Conversations with thought leaders.

The Work Well Webinars - Our back catalogue of live panel discussions and expert led presentations.

Our Services - Talks, workshops and bespoke programmes. 

The Work Well Newsletter - community news and updates. 

parkHIIT @ Work - Tailored resistance training workouts: online or on site.
