workplace wellbeing ireland - Programmes

Couch to 5K workplace programme Dublin

Physical health - 8 week programmes

Running - Couch to 5K or 10K programmes

Resistance Training - Bodyweight resistance programme suitable for all fitness levels

Yoga / Pilates - Light flexibility workouts delivered on site

Workplace Cookery demonstration Dublin

Nutritional health

A series of 8 on site cookery demonstrations tailored to your workplace preferences. The aim is educate and inspire employees to avoid processed foods and make healthy nutritious breakfasts, lunches or snacks. 3-­‐4 dishes are covered in each seminar along with nutritional information. All that’s needed is a table and power supply.


Mindfulness - 8 week programme

The emphasis on this programme is educational. Participants learn a different way of being with experience, bringing attention to what is happening here and now, rather than to what may or may not have happened in the past. The skill of mindfulness is taught through formal and informal mindfulness practices. It is through personal experiencing of mindfulness that we come to understand the possibilities it opens for us in our daily lives.